Blue Planet

Wednesday, February 28, 2007's a miracle!

Well shave my gonads and call me Nancy.....I've finally updated my blog! (pronounced BEE-LAWG!!! Dawg!^^)

A big apology about not posting so often.Been busy and lazy a lot in 2006.2007 hasn't been a good year so far.I lost my father and cousin in the first two months and am still the stock market here in Malaysia is down for the 2nd consecutive day(did the economy bubble popped or something?I didn't know there was an economic bubble in the first place....since I didn't get a permanent job till Dec'06).I have a feeling 2007 is gonna be a hard year for me.....and for everyone for that matter.Maybe its because it has already been a decade after the 1997 economic crisis,eh? (Or some shit like that.)
Anyhoo....enough about me.Like I've mentioned in my first post,I will and shall NOT share or talk about my personal self....MUCH. ^^; (this is still a blog after all)

I will however talk about things thats been popping in and out of my mind....i.e. my personal thoughts.This time, I will talk about movies.Movies that will soon be showed in 2007,after 2007 AND movies that SHOULD be MADE and SHOWN prior 2007.

My good friend, Nazri is a big fan(mark,actually) in Greek mythology(I too must admit, am a big fan of it myself) so you can bet he'll probably cream himself once "The 300" hits the screen(Can anyone say the Battle of Thermapylae?^^).The 300 looks good.Promos great and fight scenes impressive.The only way this show is gonna suck is for the directors and producers to "Alexander" it.(Yup...make everyone gay and make the last stand scene even gayer by making the last of the Spartan getting gangraped by pretty Persian Immortals.Climax of the film indeed*lolz*)

Another friend, Adi Zahrain, would probably be looking forward the Transformer movie(the guy bought a Decepticon t-shirt from OU some years back damnit^^)...starring god-knows-who and who-cares-a-shit(we have come to see the Autoboits and Decepticon damnit!^^).Don't get me wrong...I love the Transformers.I'm a Decepticon geek.....BUT I have a very strong feeling( NAY, a prenomition!^^) that the Transformers movie will suck.....and suck bad.How bad will it suck?Imagine...a black hole forming in the open mouth of a very transexual looking Unicron in his(or her) planet form. Times that with the number the power of infinity.(It will probably suck that much) Why do I say this?Name me one good movie that has a live-action giant robot battle in it? (No.the first Power Rangers movie is not considered a good movie.It's not even decent)


Thought so.(They can't even get Godzilla right) If it were up to me.....I would love to see another animated Transformer movie...similar like the first one,but hey....that's just me.
Another good friend of mine;Rozaime, would probably be looking forward to one of John Woo's upcoming movie "The Battle of Red Cliffs" (i.e. The Battle of Chi Bi).Every fan of the Romance of 3 Kingdoms will undoubtly be looking forward towards included,I kid you not.(You can find me cheering on Cao Cao at the Wei section^^)

This movie will probably rock and be reeking of awesomeness coz it will probably be oozing with lots and lots of battle(since it tells the story of one of the biggest river naval battle in recorded history).The only way this movie could go bad is for John Woo to cast Jackie Chan as *shudder*Zhou Yu or worse....Zhuge Liang(the horror!^^).That and making Jet Li grow tits and playing Sun Shang Xiang character(gawd...I better stop disgusting myself).

Another good movie that's coming our way is Yakuza which is based on the video agme for the PS2.I have played and finished the game last year, and if its true to the game and have good acting(just like in the first game) would be excellent(an excellent film and recruitment ad for the Japanese crime syndicates desu^^),and that's a massive understatement.
Now on to the first 3 movies that must be shown soon......In my humble opinion,anyways (Angry Anri's Movie Wishes Part#1 February 2006)

1)Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind
Arguably Hayao Miyazaki's greatest work and my all time personal favourite.The manga graphic novel is a masterpiece and I can just die happy if the Miyazaki-san gives the green light for Hollywood to make the live-action movie based on his graphic novel.(all 4 graphic novels!^^) The animated movie was shown in 1984 based from the first book and was reshown again by Disney in 2004(I believe) and it is still considered to be one of the most memorable anime movie in existence.Hell, the lead character; Princess Nausicaa(whom I might add is based from a character in Homer's Odyssey/Odeysseia?), still remains as one of the top favored anime characters of all time so you can bet there's a big market for some smart film producer to exploit here somewhere.If the movie is made anytime in the near future......I'm sold.It'll be like Water World(without Kevin Costner),The Conqueror(the Chinese movie) and War & Peace rolled into one.It'll be good,you'll orgasmate multiple times with joy and glee!
Special note:Nausicaa's Mehve now a real life glider being made in Japan and absed from the movie/manga.Its called OpenSky(maximum speed...120 km/h...Sweet^^)....and I want one for my birthday...if I ever get over my fear of heights that is.

Chicks with guns.Everyone loves them.Whether you're straight or a hardcore lesbian wannabe....if you love chicks and you love guns,NOIR's for you.La Femme Nikita and all.To make the whole series into one movie is impossible....given the depth of the story in the series.IMHO, you can probably make 3 or even 4 movies out of this title.(The first probably focussing on Soldats in Paris,the second about the Triad wars in Hong Kong, third on the Intoccabile/Cosa Nostra in Italy and the last one Altena and Soldats near the Spanish-French hidden country)
Like Nausicaa....Noir the live-action movie would probably rock as well.The closest thing in existence that could describe Noir as a movie would be So Close.....but that'd be an insult coz Noir's much more stylish,in that sense and respect.

3) Star Wars:Knights of the Old republic
Oh George we love your little fictional universe.If anyone has ever played the game on the Xbox, you'd know that a KOTOR movie will be greater than those prequel ones.Whether the movie will be based from the first game or the second game or even if the movie was not based on the game at will still rock because in the KOTOR storyline, the Sith are many and numerous, which promises lots and lots of Jedi story goodness.With the Star Wars tv series coming in next year....I have a good feeling a KOTOR movie will hit the screens soon enough.Maybe 5 years or even a decade.....but trust me on this,a KOTOR movie is too good of an idea to be pass up by any sane-thinking Hollywood film producer.
And thats it.My brain is spent.Anyone who has a good idea on what movies to make please do comment about it.(the worse thing that could happen is I'd laugh at and about it.....but that's unlikely coz I'm so stoned and nice most of time right now)

Till then, love peace and chicken grease brethren.

Friday, July 15, 2005

Can someone pinch me softly?

Holy crap.Its been at least 4 f*ckin' months since I last updated my blog.Not that its being read by many or anything.....its just that I planned to do this thing proper in the beginning by doing updates at least once a week or something like that.But 4 months?Damn......I must really work on improving my time management skills....If I have any that is.
Anyhoo....I've decided to organize and divide my blog posts into 3 parts ,just so I can focus and present things in order while not get lost on certain matters.This 3 parts would simply be refer to as; General, Professional and Personal(simple,no?). General would basically mean that I'm going to talk anything under the sun whether it be politics,religion,movies etc. Professional would be stuff relating to my work and career related, while personal would be stuff relating to things affecting me socially,mentally and spiritually...blah-blah and crap.

General: (Entertainment)
Its summer and this would be the time Hollywood will do their best to sell as much movies as they can.However, I cant help but feel dissappointed at MOST of the movies as of late.The latest SW movie; The Revenge of the Sith, which is suppose to be the best SW movie had a lot of flaws to it and I can't believe I'm saying this.....IT ALSO HAVE TOO MUCH BATTLE SCENES in it.Madagascar was fun....but theres nothing much on it(If there's anything anyone can learn from this movie ,it'd be this....LEMURS=COMEDY).And the latest movie that I manage to watch, The War of the Worlds,has manage to bore me.....which really bothers me considering the fact Steven Spielberg is involved in this(its Steven f*cking Spielberg damnit...every movie he touches turns to gold!Its a common fact damnit!^^).The only saving good movies I can think of that's worth watching is Batman Bagins...because of the mere fact that this is how Batman is suppose to be portrayed in a movie.
TV-wise.....we are all truly blessed here in Asia this year for being able to watch Desperate Housewives,Lost and (dare I say it?) Battle Star Galactica on the boob tube.Where the movies failed....we can always turn to the idiot box for entertainment salvation.*sniff*

Professional:(New job...Better job)
I quit my job as an audit assistant at the firm I was working and now am working as a temporary accounts assistant in an American company somewhere in PJ.Working at the audit firm was a nightmare......and I'm glad I have nothing to do with it anymore.The hours were lousy,no benefits or overtime pay my supervisors are even lousier(they make the worms that feed on our feces and the dead look like learnered gentlemen, I kid you not) and to top it off they are also a bunch of idiotic rascist bigots.My new company is a much better place.....the people working there are friendly, my bosses and supervisors are dec ently pleasant and polite plus my pay is like 30% more than what those mofos pay me at the audit firm.I also have overtime allowance,medical benefits plus my very own cubicle with a pc that is not from the late 90s(unlike the com from my old audit firm place ).I am hoping to turn my temp status into permanent.....I can really believe that I could make and build a future here,and be happy there as well.Oh yeah...I just have to mention this;the have Gurkhas working as security personal in my workplace,I kid ya not....Those are the same folks that guard Prince Harry damnit! I was under the impression that they are a rough,silent and cold lot....but they seem very pleasant and friendly from my experience so far.(I was hoping that they be carrying kukri daggers or AR-15's around,ya know?^^')

Personal: (Love or Lust?)
I haven't been around girls as frequent right now since the past few years.Thanks to my uncles, I have been going out with different women since Monday night......each of them basically the tip of the iceberg of some planned arranged marriage thing that my folks conspired with some elder members of my clan.So far none of them has taken my fancy.......due to the simple fact that none of them ahve anything in common with me.Truth be told...I'm a simple,loving and honest(really I am) who enjoys video games,movies, the internet and of course ANIME.The 4 girls whom I've went out and have dinner and a chat with are all nice(I'm not gonna lie....not all of them are hot-looking*lolz*) but I didnt feel any chemistry developing.(The worst 'date' happened earlier before this week where I was subkjected to an interrogation of stupid questions and even stupider discussion on certain things involving past relationships*sigh*)
I've got no such dates on Friday.....but the last girl my uncles arranged for me will be meeting me on Saturday,and I fear for what may happen that day.
However....I feel that I am starting to develope strong feelings for one of my female supervisors in my workplace.She's a Chinese lass......a year younger than me(my junior in highschool at that^^ at my new workplace 3 years earlier than me),nice bod(dun have a large set of melons but thats okay...I like 'em mangoes fine*lolz*) and *sigh*very kind(the main feature I find so attractive abt her) and gentle.I know for a fact that she's single.....but I dun wanna risk rejection from her and working some uncomfortable vibe in the workplace.Its ironic that here I am , having a whole lotta guts and no problem meeting all these women my uncles set up for me and not even bothered looking like an ass and being rejected by them but now am too much of a coward to ask my female supervisor whom I am interested in to go out for a dinner and a movie.*sigh*Life's truly unfair.....and cruel as well damnit.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Damn bloody crap I called life

I haven't been updating much on my blog for some time now due to not only my busy work schedule but also to some other things that happened recently that not only affected me and my mood negatively....but also affected my entire family.

My father is and still a role model to me and ever since I was little...I basically idolized him because of the responsibility,kindness and dedication that he poured to his family.He did a good job raising me and my other siblings but somehow....I ended up like 'this'.(perverted,hot-tempered,vain-glorious,egoistic,arrogantetc.) ^_^;
When my father was diagnosed with severe diabetes....his health diminished and day by day,he gets weaker.....robbing him of his self-confidence.After a few dad was also diagnosed with cataract(did i spell that right?Its some sort of condition....the layer thingy that developes in people's eyes causing them to have trouble seeing/making them partially blind), both his kidneys were damaged(requires dialysis), hypertension, osteopherosis and a number of other illnesses. Things were hard in the first few years but my family somehow adapted to it and things somehow turned out not so bad thanks to the good medication and attention that my father received from my mother. However......things went to sh*t last Sunday when my dad fell down and broke his hip at the wet market.Since that father has to be hospitalized and is unable to walk or even sit-up straight.I saw the x-rays for my father's hip.....and it wasn't pretty.....The hip bone broke almost clean off and the doctors say that he'll need a hip replacement operation(inserting some plastic parts in him instead of attaching the broken bones again with screws).The doctors say that my father would probably not be able to walk as well as last time and that the whole after-operation recouperating thing may take up from 5 to 6 months.Unfortunately.....last Thursday,my mom and I found out that my father's still too weak to go for operation.....he passed out twice during dialysis and an operation so soon would have a danger risk factor of no less than 45% because of his many complications(diabetes=op wound wont be healing as it should,hypertension/high-blood=.
So father is in pain almost all of the time when he's awake and had to be treated with painkillers which causes him to be confused or hallucinating most of the time.(sometimes...he can't recognize me,i kid u not).

Now all I can do is wait and hope that my father will be okay soon....eventhough I hate waitinga nd hoping for something instead of doing naything.I am now basically am turning into a more angrier and negative person right now thanks to this whole ordeal.
And all these visits to the hospital is making me depressed as heck as well.Today at the dialysis centre...I saw an old Chinese man that looks like he was suffering from some sort of radiation poisoning, had more flabby skin than flesh and bones with plus both of his feet were already blakc and .....rotting away,if I am not mistaken?And just yesterday.....when I was visiting my dad(i visit him the hospital now....i try to anyways), this thin Malay guy had this brutal heart-attack beside me inside this lift.*sigh*The hospital here is more like a 'place of suffering' instead of a' place of healing' right now....*sigh*

Mood:Lousy,depressed and angry

Sunday, January 23, 2005

I want babies?*gasp*

Its now the year 2005 and I'm like almost 26 years old which means that I've past the ol' quarter century age limit and probably lived up 1/3 of my life-span(heard that a normal person has a life-span about 75 years old.....that number's lesser in males).
I spend most of the time wondering if I had lived my life properly and did something good with it after all these time. Well.....after a good 2 minutes, I already found my answer....NO.Bloody fucking no.I don't feel as if I had moved on to anything great and in all honesty...I dun feel any more mature than the day that I've left highschool.I did however finished my university studies and got a job with an audit firm as a lowly junior audit assistant, but much does that amount to,eh?
When I was 16....I thought I'd be already married with a lovely wife by my side and a string of kids right now but currently....I'm just dating and going out with a few people.(Nothing serious so far,mind you....just hanging out and enjoying each other's company*sigh*)
Truth be told....I miss sex.I used to be good at it too.....(according to my ex) but now I dunno if my 'salmon can swim upstream' properly after being uhhh....under wraps/dormant for some time.But beyond that....I miss having the company of a good woman, someone whom I can share anything and everything with. I miss being loved as a man and envy all those people whom already have someone(regardless if they're straight or gay,ugly or beautiful,etc.).Maybe all of this feelings....emotions that i am having now is the result of hormones and other chemical fluids in my brain that's trying to tell me to like just settle down with the next with boobs and working ovaries. I am not usually fond with children.....I hate them actually*lolz*(noise,tantrums,brattiness,& so on) but for some reason, I have a stromg feeling of wanting a kid of my own right now.Usually its the woman who have these sort of feeling(Ally Macbeal would be the best example I can think of right now.....she and her dancing animated baby) but now I think I'm having it more worse compared to the common woman.I'm thinking of getting some psychiatric threaphy....or have a good long talk with one of my gal pals about this.Its driving me insane at times and I sure hope I can retain what's left of my sanity after sorting out the crap thats been loitering and gangbanging themselves within the compounds of my mind.

Friday, December 10, 2004

Kungfu Hustle Fevah and I wuv Canada!

There's been a lot of things happening to me do pardon me again for the slow updates.Lots of bad thing popped up...but some good things happened as well. After fore more than a month, I finally got a job offer and am starting work on the 15th.And to make things ultra-sweeter, ANIMAX is coming to Malaysia via the Astro Channel(on Astro's Channel 15) on the 15th December 2004! Man...I can't wait for December 15th to arrive....God knows what other things may be in sotre for me on that day,eh?

You can probabl;y guess now by the title of this post that I am a HUGE Stephen Chow Sing Chi fan.He is by far my most fav Chinese comedy star and I hope that he'll never change his ways and go Hollywood like Chow Yuen Fatt and Jet Li.I've been seeing his work since I was in highschool and his current past works such as "Tricky Master 2000" and of course "Shaolin Soccer" has made me a fan of his for life. From the trailers...I just know Kungfu Hustle is gonna be kickass and reeking of awesomeness.Stephen Chow always portray the pathetic lsoer hero character that gets in trouble and hillarious circumstances...and I have a feeling that this latest movie of him won't be anything different from his past works.Everyone roots for the loser in a comedy.....and Stephen Chow probably knows this well than anyone else.

On a more serious note....I hope all my friends in the Phillipines are safe and doing well.In case anyone has been living under a rock these past 6 days......the Phillipines have been strike by a violent storm/typhoon(sorry...I can't really tell the difference between a storm and a typhoon.I'm a moron at times.^^).Thousands of people lost their homes, millions are affected and from today's papers around 1500 people are feared missing or dead.I'm not a very religious person....but my prayers are with you my pinoy/pinay brethren.

And finally......I'd like to mention something video-game related.Warcraft 3 DOTA rocks.I know people have been playing and mastering it probably for years by now....but its better to be late in getting into this DOTA-thing than never,eh?
I notice I usually end most of my sentences with the word "eh?"......Its some sort of weird habit on my part....and not some joke I'm trying to make about how Canadian people talk.If you all must know...I love Canada and its people eventhough I am not Canadian.I liked the way Canada carries itself around the international community...I liked the way its government safeguards its citizens interests(healthcare's a wee bit expensive compared to its Southern neighbors..from what I've been told) ....I liked the fact that many parts of Canada are still green wilderness.....and lastly, I was also told that Canadians have a rather huge population of cute girls ( the ratio of girls to guys is like 3:1...anyone can confirm this?^^I know that the ratio of girls against guys in the UK is 8:1 hehehehehe...*drools*). If I have enough cash and want to retire abroad....Canada would probably be somewhere in my top 5 list.^^

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Strange emotions make you do weird things's been like forever since I last updated my blog.A lot of things happened, but I'm just too lazy to type it in, I feel a lil' super extra tired as of late.Anyhoo, I think I better just start with what happened to me today or more accurately the things that have been going on in my mind(and the pile of perverted mess which is my life)....rather than the whole crap I have been experiencing in the last 3 weeks.

How many of us remember our first crush?I'm not talking about the first person you went out with, or the person whom you've slept first with, first kiss...etc. I'm talking about the person whom you've first fallen in love i.e. the first person whose presence made you want to look/stare/drool at him or her just because you think that he/she was the most beautiful and wonderful person you've ever seen.It didn't matter if he or she responded to your affections or not, I'm talking about the person who had smitten you for the first time with the 'love bug'....the 'Mojo baby pill'......'that rainbow feeling'...or whatever the hell the term people use these days.

I remembered my first crush, even till now after a number of relationships(more accurately...FAILED relationships,considering the fact I'm bloody single right now). I was only 13 at the time, more interested in watching Robotech,The A-Team and the new X-Files than the other sex at the time till I saw her for the first time in high-school. She was my senior(a highschool prefect), a year older than me and the first time I saw her past me by, it felt as if time stood still for a few moments and kick me on the gonads....super hard.I won't tell or mention her name but her name starts with an 'S' and whenver(and I mean whenever) ANYONE speaketh that name, I can't help but to turn around and hoping to be able to see that crushie of mine(pathetic aren't I? ^_^; ). She was so beautiful......a Malay teen Goddess with clear beautiful light tan skin, her eyes perfect neither large nor small....just perfect, a killer bod and the most beautiful smile that'd put anything under the heavens to shame.Unlike most of the girls in my shcool...she was not bitchy, superficial and was good to anyone and everyone.She even have the most beautiful Ayanami Rei-like hair which I'm so crazy about even to this day(and this was like 3 years before EVA was released in Japan.I think it was because of her I'm such an Ayanami fan,i kid you not^^).......She was perfect in every way, truly perfect to me anyways. And when she and her family move away, my heart was broken to bits and I felt part of my soul had torn itself from me and followed her.It took me a few months to get over the fact that she was gone from my life.....but every year, I never fail to get a new telephone directory book and look up her name.(I really pathetic.*sniff*Oh yeah....her name was never in the books....its as if she haven't existed)
I regretted a lot of things at the why the f*ck didn't I just go up to her and say hi to her.I've only been in highschool for more than a month when she moved away......and during all that time I did the only thing I could do to her; watching over her and admire her from afar.(Man....I'm scoring a 20 on a scale of 10 at the pathetic-O meter,eh?^^')
Had I go up to talk to her....maybe things could've been different.I could end up as her friend(or more) or at worst be disliked/hated by her(which is fine by me since that'll gave me a reason to hate her and I wouldn't be so "goo-goo-*sigh*-oh-my" with her right now).
I know its no use to regret over the past.....but I just can't help hating myself about it.*sigh*

By now, you're all probably wondering why I'm telling you all this.....well, for some weird reason, fate or karma or destiny(whatever you want to belive or call it), has somehow made her pop out in my life(more or less) after 12 years.I was checking some stuff in Friendster when i suddenly saw her name and picture image in one of my friend's friend list.I checked and re-checked the name and eventhough the image used by her in her Friendster account was not clear......its definitely her, my first crushie.
She's a Business Analyst in some IT company in Malaysia right now and still SINGLE(YESSS!!!!^^).Part of me can't help smiling knowing I've finally found some info on her after all these years......and one of the first thinsg i wanted to do was to send her a message and say HI to her.The thing is....I didn't do so just now(oh boy...its like I'm 13 again and in highschool again).I'm scared...worried....I dunno what to say to her in that message.I can't just type "Hi there, S.Remember me?My name's *BEEP* and we went to highschool for a short time together.We haven't talked before but I was wondering if we could get together and have coffee or lunch or dinner or see a movie or all 4 together at the same time some day?" right? ^_^; (or can I?)
I dun wanna scare her off and block my name from ever messaging her so now I'm at a loss on what to do right now.If there's anyone who have some good advice for, feel free to reply back.If I get some advice and things go well, I'm forever in your debt....and probably name my first-born child after your name*lolz*.

I wanna congratulate my friend Cathy for her excellent performance in a recent cosplay event in the Phillipines.If President Arroyo wants to set up an Anime Gallery in Manila and want to place a 30 feet tall bronze statue of a famous anime heroine at its entrance hall, I'd recommend Cathy(in her Faye Valentine or that HunterXHunter Pakunoda character cosplay outfit) to model for that statue since she's able to capture their image and essence in her own style.Congrats girl, you rock!*Oprah voice* :D
Aside from that....another thing that I want to mention is this.If you have a PS2, go get GTA:San Andreas,The Lord of the Rings:The Third Age and WWE:RAW vs Smackdown.All these game titles are awesome and as a gamer, I think I need to mention that at least once here in my blog.
Till later, love and peace yo.

Monday, October 18, 2004

Dude?Where's my weekend?

Good gawd.....what the hell happened to my weeked?It felt like Friday was just yesterday damnit*sigh*.I had all these things to do:-
1-Finish my fanfiction and RPG works;namely 'Model Men'and 'Dark Days'
2-Go meet some of my relatives and submit my resume and related documents so that they could help me out in finding a job.
3-Wash my car
4-Finish reading a book
5-Reply to all of my e-mails
and much-much more.In the end, I think I only manage to barely do just about less than 5% of what I plan to do.I COULD say that my time management is sucky as hell and blame no one but myself...... BUT I won't do that since I'm just too egoistic,proud and vainglorious to admit such a thing.

I manage to get some of the books I've always wanted tp read as of late and my PS2 has finally been fixed and is somewhat as good as new right now....So I guess the weekend wasn't a total suck-fest at all,ne?More to come later on......