Blue Planet

Sunday, January 23, 2005

I want babies?*gasp*

Its now the year 2005 and I'm like almost 26 years old which means that I've past the ol' quarter century age limit and probably lived up 1/3 of my life-span(heard that a normal person has a life-span about 75 years old.....that number's lesser in males).
I spend most of the time wondering if I had lived my life properly and did something good with it after all these time. Well.....after a good 2 minutes, I already found my answer....NO.Bloody fucking no.I don't feel as if I had moved on to anything great and in all honesty...I dun feel any more mature than the day that I've left highschool.I did however finished my university studies and got a job with an audit firm as a lowly junior audit assistant, but much does that amount to,eh?
When I was 16....I thought I'd be already married with a lovely wife by my side and a string of kids right now but currently....I'm just dating and going out with a few people.(Nothing serious so far,mind you....just hanging out and enjoying each other's company*sigh*)
Truth be told....I miss sex.I used to be good at it too.....(according to my ex) but now I dunno if my 'salmon can swim upstream' properly after being uhhh....under wraps/dormant for some time.But beyond that....I miss having the company of a good woman, someone whom I can share anything and everything with. I miss being loved as a man and envy all those people whom already have someone(regardless if they're straight or gay,ugly or beautiful,etc.).Maybe all of this feelings....emotions that i am having now is the result of hormones and other chemical fluids in my brain that's trying to tell me to like just settle down with the next with boobs and working ovaries. I am not usually fond with children.....I hate them actually*lolz*(noise,tantrums,brattiness,& so on) but for some reason, I have a stromg feeling of wanting a kid of my own right now.Usually its the woman who have these sort of feeling(Ally Macbeal would be the best example I can think of right now.....she and her dancing animated baby) but now I think I'm having it more worse compared to the common woman.I'm thinking of getting some psychiatric threaphy....or have a good long talk with one of my gal pals about this.Its driving me insane at times and I sure hope I can retain what's left of my sanity after sorting out the crap thats been loitering and gangbanging themselves within the compounds of my mind.


  • Baby fever eh?

    Something we have in common. But when you think about it, are we really ready for kids?

    If It comes, great! If not, oh well at least you'll be a better dad

    By Blogger Arashi-KIshu, at 1:27 PM  

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