Blue Planet

Wednesday, February 28, 2007's a miracle!

Well shave my gonads and call me Nancy.....I've finally updated my blog! (pronounced BEE-LAWG!!! Dawg!^^)

A big apology about not posting so often.Been busy and lazy a lot in 2006.2007 hasn't been a good year so far.I lost my father and cousin in the first two months and am still the stock market here in Malaysia is down for the 2nd consecutive day(did the economy bubble popped or something?I didn't know there was an economic bubble in the first place....since I didn't get a permanent job till Dec'06).I have a feeling 2007 is gonna be a hard year for me.....and for everyone for that matter.Maybe its because it has already been a decade after the 1997 economic crisis,eh? (Or some shit like that.)
Anyhoo....enough about me.Like I've mentioned in my first post,I will and shall NOT share or talk about my personal self....MUCH. ^^; (this is still a blog after all)

I will however talk about things thats been popping in and out of my mind....i.e. my personal thoughts.This time, I will talk about movies.Movies that will soon be showed in 2007,after 2007 AND movies that SHOULD be MADE and SHOWN prior 2007.

My good friend, Nazri is a big fan(mark,actually) in Greek mythology(I too must admit, am a big fan of it myself) so you can bet he'll probably cream himself once "The 300" hits the screen(Can anyone say the Battle of Thermapylae?^^).The 300 looks good.Promos great and fight scenes impressive.The only way this show is gonna suck is for the directors and producers to "Alexander" it.(Yup...make everyone gay and make the last stand scene even gayer by making the last of the Spartan getting gangraped by pretty Persian Immortals.Climax of the film indeed*lolz*)

Another friend, Adi Zahrain, would probably be looking forward the Transformer movie(the guy bought a Decepticon t-shirt from OU some years back damnit^^)...starring god-knows-who and who-cares-a-shit(we have come to see the Autoboits and Decepticon damnit!^^).Don't get me wrong...I love the Transformers.I'm a Decepticon geek.....BUT I have a very strong feeling( NAY, a prenomition!^^) that the Transformers movie will suck.....and suck bad.How bad will it suck?Imagine...a black hole forming in the open mouth of a very transexual looking Unicron in his(or her) planet form. Times that with the number the power of infinity.(It will probably suck that much) Why do I say this?Name me one good movie that has a live-action giant robot battle in it? (No.the first Power Rangers movie is not considered a good movie.It's not even decent)


Thought so.(They can't even get Godzilla right) If it were up to me.....I would love to see another animated Transformer movie...similar like the first one,but hey....that's just me.
Another good friend of mine;Rozaime, would probably be looking forward to one of John Woo's upcoming movie "The Battle of Red Cliffs" (i.e. The Battle of Chi Bi).Every fan of the Romance of 3 Kingdoms will undoubtly be looking forward towards included,I kid you not.(You can find me cheering on Cao Cao at the Wei section^^)

This movie will probably rock and be reeking of awesomeness coz it will probably be oozing with lots and lots of battle(since it tells the story of one of the biggest river naval battle in recorded history).The only way this movie could go bad is for John Woo to cast Jackie Chan as *shudder*Zhou Yu or worse....Zhuge Liang(the horror!^^).That and making Jet Li grow tits and playing Sun Shang Xiang character(gawd...I better stop disgusting myself).

Another good movie that's coming our way is Yakuza which is based on the video agme for the PS2.I have played and finished the game last year, and if its true to the game and have good acting(just like in the first game) would be excellent(an excellent film and recruitment ad for the Japanese crime syndicates desu^^),and that's a massive understatement.
Now on to the first 3 movies that must be shown soon......In my humble opinion,anyways (Angry Anri's Movie Wishes Part#1 February 2006)

1)Nausicaa and the Valley of the Wind
Arguably Hayao Miyazaki's greatest work and my all time personal favourite.The manga graphic novel is a masterpiece and I can just die happy if the Miyazaki-san gives the green light for Hollywood to make the live-action movie based on his graphic novel.(all 4 graphic novels!^^) The animated movie was shown in 1984 based from the first book and was reshown again by Disney in 2004(I believe) and it is still considered to be one of the most memorable anime movie in existence.Hell, the lead character; Princess Nausicaa(whom I might add is based from a character in Homer's Odyssey/Odeysseia?), still remains as one of the top favored anime characters of all time so you can bet there's a big market for some smart film producer to exploit here somewhere.If the movie is made anytime in the near future......I'm sold.It'll be like Water World(without Kevin Costner),The Conqueror(the Chinese movie) and War & Peace rolled into one.It'll be good,you'll orgasmate multiple times with joy and glee!
Special note:Nausicaa's Mehve now a real life glider being made in Japan and absed from the movie/manga.Its called OpenSky(maximum speed...120 km/h...Sweet^^)....and I want one for my birthday...if I ever get over my fear of heights that is.

Chicks with guns.Everyone loves them.Whether you're straight or a hardcore lesbian wannabe....if you love chicks and you love guns,NOIR's for you.La Femme Nikita and all.To make the whole series into one movie is impossible....given the depth of the story in the series.IMHO, you can probably make 3 or even 4 movies out of this title.(The first probably focussing on Soldats in Paris,the second about the Triad wars in Hong Kong, third on the Intoccabile/Cosa Nostra in Italy and the last one Altena and Soldats near the Spanish-French hidden country)
Like Nausicaa....Noir the live-action movie would probably rock as well.The closest thing in existence that could describe Noir as a movie would be So Close.....but that'd be an insult coz Noir's much more stylish,in that sense and respect.

3) Star Wars:Knights of the Old republic
Oh George we love your little fictional universe.If anyone has ever played the game on the Xbox, you'd know that a KOTOR movie will be greater than those prequel ones.Whether the movie will be based from the first game or the second game or even if the movie was not based on the game at will still rock because in the KOTOR storyline, the Sith are many and numerous, which promises lots and lots of Jedi story goodness.With the Star Wars tv series coming in next year....I have a good feeling a KOTOR movie will hit the screens soon enough.Maybe 5 years or even a decade.....but trust me on this,a KOTOR movie is too good of an idea to be pass up by any sane-thinking Hollywood film producer.
And thats it.My brain is spent.Anyone who has a good idea on what movies to make please do comment about it.(the worse thing that could happen is I'd laugh at and about it.....but that's unlikely coz I'm so stoned and nice most of time right now)

Till then, love peace and chicken grease brethren.