Blue Planet

Friday, December 10, 2004

Kungfu Hustle Fevah and I wuv Canada!

There's been a lot of things happening to me do pardon me again for the slow updates.Lots of bad thing popped up...but some good things happened as well. After fore more than a month, I finally got a job offer and am starting work on the 15th.And to make things ultra-sweeter, ANIMAX is coming to Malaysia via the Astro Channel(on Astro's Channel 15) on the 15th December 2004! Man...I can't wait for December 15th to arrive....God knows what other things may be in sotre for me on that day,eh?

You can probabl;y guess now by the title of this post that I am a HUGE Stephen Chow Sing Chi fan.He is by far my most fav Chinese comedy star and I hope that he'll never change his ways and go Hollywood like Chow Yuen Fatt and Jet Li.I've been seeing his work since I was in highschool and his current past works such as "Tricky Master 2000" and of course "Shaolin Soccer" has made me a fan of his for life. From the trailers...I just know Kungfu Hustle is gonna be kickass and reeking of awesomeness.Stephen Chow always portray the pathetic lsoer hero character that gets in trouble and hillarious circumstances...and I have a feeling that this latest movie of him won't be anything different from his past works.Everyone roots for the loser in a comedy.....and Stephen Chow probably knows this well than anyone else.

On a more serious note....I hope all my friends in the Phillipines are safe and doing well.In case anyone has been living under a rock these past 6 days......the Phillipines have been strike by a violent storm/typhoon(sorry...I can't really tell the difference between a storm and a typhoon.I'm a moron at times.^^).Thousands of people lost their homes, millions are affected and from today's papers around 1500 people are feared missing or dead.I'm not a very religious person....but my prayers are with you my pinoy/pinay brethren.

And finally......I'd like to mention something video-game related.Warcraft 3 DOTA rocks.I know people have been playing and mastering it probably for years by now....but its better to be late in getting into this DOTA-thing than never,eh?
I notice I usually end most of my sentences with the word "eh?"......Its some sort of weird habit on my part....and not some joke I'm trying to make about how Canadian people talk.If you all must know...I love Canada and its people eventhough I am not Canadian.I liked the way Canada carries itself around the international community...I liked the way its government safeguards its citizens interests(healthcare's a wee bit expensive compared to its Southern neighbors..from what I've been told) ....I liked the fact that many parts of Canada are still green wilderness.....and lastly, I was also told that Canadians have a rather huge population of cute girls ( the ratio of girls to guys is like 3:1...anyone can confirm this?^^I know that the ratio of girls against guys in the UK is 8:1 hehehehehe...*drools*). If I have enough cash and want to retire abroad....Canada would probably be somewhere in my top 5 list.^^