Blue Planet

Monday, October 18, 2004

Dude?Where's my weekend?

Good gawd.....what the hell happened to my weeked?It felt like Friday was just yesterday damnit*sigh*.I had all these things to do:-
1-Finish my fanfiction and RPG works;namely 'Model Men'and 'Dark Days'
2-Go meet some of my relatives and submit my resume and related documents so that they could help me out in finding a job.
3-Wash my car
4-Finish reading a book
5-Reply to all of my e-mails
and much-much more.In the end, I think I only manage to barely do just about less than 5% of what I plan to do.I COULD say that my time management is sucky as hell and blame no one but myself...... BUT I won't do that since I'm just too egoistic,proud and vainglorious to admit such a thing.

I manage to get some of the books I've always wanted tp read as of late and my PS2 has finally been fixed and is somewhat as good as new right now....So I guess the weekend wasn't a total suck-fest at all,ne?More to come later on......

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Good thing or bad thing?

I was told by my boss at the Investment Consultant firm that I'd be let go by the end of this month....Regardless of the positive things I can think of at the moment, news of me getting let go hit me quite bad....eventhough I hated the job and disliked some of my co-workers.I'm only on the job barely 5 weeks and then my lady boss calls me in the conference room and says "Sorry, one of my ex-employees wants to return back here and seeing how we have limited office room here....I've decided that your serices are no longer needed know the drill and crap."

That hurts....although I understand the logic of her decision.(her ex-employee is more experienced and efficient than.....thanks to her working exprience which are like 10-20 to more times.)

Anyhoo.....gotta move forward,so the sooner I do something the more distance I can put between me and this bad moment in my young life.
Heh....I'm kinda glad I was brought up in a strict family that canes their children frequently.Had I been raised in a 'softer' environment........I'd probably crying so hard right now in bed or something